A few weeks ago my friend Cathy had a birthday party at the Eagles Lodge on bingo night. I don’t think I’ve ever played Bingo before or if I have, I haven’t played for money. This was high stakes to me and for some reason I even felt nervous. Why? Not sure, but I did.
My friend Jena just wrote a blog post about the things she was afraid to say, which was inspired by Erin, of Design for Mankind and I thought OK, now I have to do this too. This project was originally thought up as challenge by Ez, of Creature Comforts. Ez, started this challenge because so much

Recently I went away with some friends for a 4 day 3 night Palm Springs vacation. There were 7 of us ladies on the trip and it was an especially funny, giggly group of women, so the fun didn’t stop the entire time. Going away reminded me again of how important it is for me
Jena and I are so excited to launch the Catalyst Course next week, March 5th! Just in case you haven’t heard, the Catalyst Course is for anyone who is looking to rekindle the spark in their life. It’s an opportunity to light a flame in your life and reveal all the awesome that awaits you!
If you haven’t heard us talking about it, my friend Jena and I are working on an e-course called The Catalyst Course. Here’s a quick review: We all have a flame burning within us, ignited by passion, talent, skill or an intense curiosity in something. It’s that little place deep inside of you that lights
Competition is a tricky subject. In researching this topic I found so much data on the benefits of competition and about the toxicity that can come into play when competition goes too far. Competition has both good and bad aspects, depending on the situation and the people involved in the dance of competitiveness. Wikipedia defines
“What is happiness? The feeling that power increases – that resistance is being overcome.” ~Friedrich Nietzche We all have it from time to time, the need to resist what “is.” Some of us have more resistance than others. We can often have resistance in some areas and not others. Resistance is very often coming from
This is a familiar story and you know the drill, we all get so caught up in punching the clock, taking care of loved ones and making sure that we’ve crossed everything off of our to do list that in the process we can really lose track of our own happiness. Happiness and understanding are
I’m thinking of a time when I knew I was going to have to speak in front of a large group of people and the fear that I felt from the moment I found out the news. I was so honored to have been selected to speak at a conference last summer filled with strangers,
What does pursuing your passion mean to you? People talk about it all the time, but what does it really mean? Does it mean quitting your day job and turning your love of crafts, photography or food into your career? My answer would be, maybe. It’s very important for everyone to follow their passion and